All of the images below can be clicked to take you to a full page representation ...............use the back button to return

Cheers Mum the family celebrating mum's 80th birthday was painted from a photograph;
The Old Master Reproductions are representations of Holbein's paintings of Henry the 8th and his chancellor with different faces inserted. Anyone can be immortalised in an old master.

The fantasy paintings are packed full of detail , the Wolf, the Satyr, the Fantasy in Blue and Barbaras World.

There are so many it is difficult to know where to stop, the other pages in the web site show open and limited edition prints which give a good representation of Maggies Work

Artists Projects Biography .......................................................................................................................Gallery Home page

..... cheersmum............................... fantasyin blue ..........barb ....................................................satyr
rog8th..    . ....   terry                wolf............. ................................